About Me

May 30, 2007

heart broken or broken hearted

im doing dis just for fun,im bored rite now

Let's see if you can get through it.

If not, you're too scared about the

1.Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

-if it was my parents , sisters anytime...
if it wasnt... then better dont

3.Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurt?

how long does the hurt last?
-years... and still counting... and its still hurt

5. Are you happier single or in a relationship?

-no difference... depends on who you
are with...

6.Have you ever cheated on someone?

-Never, se ingat i tak pernah ar
7.Have you ever told someone you loved them and didn't mean it?

-im not sure if i lied or was lying to

8.Have you ever had your heart broken?

-all the time... its fun...

9.have you ever broken someone's heart?

-yeah but not proud of it..

10.Talk to any of your exes? when?

-nope... sms and MSN ... if i hate someone, wont talk to them again, try me !, they always sms or PM me when they ade prob, cause they noe i can solve their prob.

11.If you could go back in time and change things, would you?

-nope... because all wat ive gone thru make me mature

12.Think any of your exes feel the same?

-i dont want to know...
13.Do you believe that you are a good girlfriend/boyfriend?

-im not... i believe im not...

14.Have you been in an abusive relationship?

-hahaha... nope2

15. do u believe that everybody needs a second chance?

-definitely..... nope, they dont deserve a second chance, but i do

16.Do you believe in love at first

-used to... not anymore...

17.Do you want to get married?

-thats a yes... i do... of course

18.has anyone ever told you they
wanted to marry you?

-hmmm... maybe... i dunno if they are sincere or not

19.Ever liked someone else's boyfriend
or girlfriend?

-nope nope, laki orang pon tak pernah

20.Does heartbreak really feel as bad
as it sounds?

-hahah...its like a knife stab to ur heart, how bad does it sounds? two
parts to it... you feel real bad...
worse and worse by the day... till you
feel the worst... then you stop
feeling... so i dunno which is
worse... you tell me...

dangerous women

For the past few weeks, i got to know a guy from my parents, dis guy is my father's fren's son, kawan bapak punya anak. both our parents mmg dari dulu nak kenalkan kita, but i just donno y baru sekranag both of us nak kenal2, met him before time hari raya, dis time our fathers exchange kan phone number, so we started to sms each other and call, everything went smoothly, until on sunday nite. we are talking about our educational background, dia ade degree in engineering, doing some volunteering work, and counselling too. so when he ask bout my educational background, i simply say, im from madrasah, and he was like shocked "huh?? u sch madrasah?? my dad never told me that !" so i ask him y should he be shocked? madrasah also mcm sekolah biasa per, then told him that dulu i pernah taking islamic law for a while, and his reply was like "u are one dangerous women !" i just laughed , i tot it was a joke.

so yesterday he called me , so i asked him , y he say that im a dangerous women, seriously i was shocked with his reply, he said that, i look like a kind of women that can control everything. so i asked him. " is it a bad thing or a good one ? ". he said "BAD !" .

now, im still wondering the meaning of dangerous women, different guy have their own definition of dangerous women, but i don't think im a dangerous one. i asked my dad bout his definition of dangerous women, he define dangerous women as a heart breaker , hmmm. im not that kind k.

so watever the definition of dangerous women is, i noe that im not a kind of women who breaks someone's heart , but for taking control, im not sure, need to ask my dear sisters? do i look like someone who is going to take charge of everything.

May 28, 2007

update, update, update

ok girls, i update bout what ive been doing for the past few days

Tuesday : went to sch, mcm biasa, bla, bla, boring lecture, went to kembangan to mit up with sisters, makan kat captain's, but the mee mama tak sedap, so i complined. went home and revise until 3am .

Wednesday : went to sch as usual, then proceed to gym, dis time, balik terus tido, too tired to study.

Thursday : went to the gym, sch as usual, to the gym again, went home, help fitri to pack his suitcase for his HK trip.revise marketing until nearly 4am.

Friday : fitri kejut kan i before he left to the airport, im too tired and sleepy to sent him to the airport, so sambung tido, so ard 9am, BMC called, saying that the class is cancelled !!, yeye, sambung tido lagi sampai zohor, fresh up, the sambung belajar sampai asar, siap2 to go to SGH for my weekly visit. i dah ade musuh kat dalam,dis chinese gerl maki2 i sebab tak dpt home leave, i just ignore her, dia dah penat maki, dia diam . i just ignore her sampai end of the session.

Saturday : Went out with cik noraini for breakfast, mit cik nyah and cik nyen for lunch , i decided to make fish pie for dinner and BBQ chicken, so masak2 la sampai malam, then siap2, mit frens at arab street , with them until subuh.

Sunday :, nuthing much, just lazy ard the house, makan , tido, makan, tido, makan, tido....

today (monday) : went tutoring, sch, and TM, and now at home updating dis bloggggg

well, gerls, nuthing much yg fun sgt nak di update kan, tunggu la nanti i dah balik New Zealand, confirm alot of pic and story to tell.....

im leaving insyaALLAH on 5th of june, flight ard 7.30pm, be back in Singapore 13 june , ard 11pm

i really loooking forward to New Zealand trip .

Bloss and Tedd, enjoy urself in KL, jgn lupa amik cd, heehee

Pink and Baby Nur , enjoy urself in SINGAPORE k

i love u gerls, lillah, looking forward meeting u all tmrw.....

May 21, 2007


a few minutes ago, i received an email from someone who used to be very special to me
in the email, the sender wrote lyric from siti nurhaliza's song "Bisakah"
and at the end of the message, the sender wrote, "pls, do think bout it "

i admit, i memang a bit angry when i receive the email
and jadi lagi marah bila i baca lyric lagu tu
but i cant help it, im tired of people taking me for granted

to the sender of the email, i noe u reading dis entry
i just want u to noe that
i do forgive people
i do appreciate others
im not the type of girl that u think i am
ur the one who betray the trust
u are the one who make me hate u
u are the one who make my life miserable

May 19, 2007


semalam, i went to singapore girl's home, to visit my mentees
i supposed to visit them every 2 weeks, but due to some commitment, i tak dtg, exactly dah one month, so bila sampai kat their waiting cell, they were so happy when they saw me,(im sure they are happy,from their face i can really see yg dorg happy k, bukan perasan) then a few minute later, all of us proceed to the couselling room, but wait, i start kira the girls yg ade with us, im supposed to talk to one girl at a time, but there 4 of them, F, S, H and G and only 2 of us, me and my cuz, dian. me and dian start signalling to each other, because seriously kita tak tau camne nak handle 4 person at one go, and we simply donno wat to talk to them. walaupun they had commit some serious offence, and ade yg multiple offence, or wat they are called or labelled as hard core or ex con at SGH (singapore girls home) but they are really sweet girl, baik2, cuma lain sikit jer, but they respect us, .

So the session start, i told them that they can talk anything to me if they have any problems, tapi kan, sebalik nye, they are the one who asked me questions, banyak pulak tu, haha,, the first Question, "kak, apa akak buat for the whole satu bulan?" i pon terkejut sey, selalu nya, people usually ask like, "apa u buat semalam? or apa u buat the whole week or during the weekend?" tapi ni dia tanya i sekali sampai sebulan, terkejut beruk aku, haha, maybe sebab dah sebulan i tak jumpa dorg, so i cakap la, im been busy, schooling, tutoring, and "holidaying", ahahaha, i pon berbual bual with F and H, just like how i berbual with my girlfrens, they ask me mcm2 ar, personal questions, G was to lazy to talk, she wanted to enjoy the aircon in the room, so i let her be, and dian was talking to S , a 13 yrs old girl , she was sent to SGH because beyond parental control.

I asked F anf H wat they want to do when discharged later in October, F discharged, 1 week before hari raya, and H discharged pada hari raya ke 4, F says that, the first thing dia nak buat bila dah discharged is, nak gi geylang, beli baju raya, and dia nak buka puasa with me, :D , so i ask H, apa dia nak buat, dia kata, dia cuma nak jalan raya, so she really hope that my cuz and i can arrange one day for all of them boleh jalan raya , i tak promise to them, but i say insyaALLAH, at that time, dian is still talking to S, i curious jugak la, but at time i can see S selalu tgk kat i, stare at my face, , i just ignore, takut jugak la, mana tau, dia tak happy ker, but i ignore jer

then its time to say good bye

while at the waiting cell, all of us salam salam each other, and the girls made us promise to them that we will come next friday, so i and dia pon promise to them that kita akan datang next friday, at that time S is still staring at me, then dia datang dekat i, pegang tangan i and lay her head kat my shoulder, at first takut jugak la, mana tau dia nak do something, but i can feel something la when dia pegang tangan i , i tak tau camne nak describe, but i noe its something good.when i ngan dian jalan keluar, the girls shouting, "kak, mesti datang tau next week!" , im so happy that they wanted me to come and visit them more often, then even aske me to come like 2 or 3 times a week, on wednesday, friday and sunday, but i cant promise them, i just smile to them jer

Dian and i, jalan gi bus stop, then dian told me something yg really buat i rasa macam nak nangis, S was staring at me because, she say my face is exactly like her mum, when we came, she was having fever, but she saw me, demam dia dah turun sikit, sebab tu dia asyik stare i jer, now i understand kenapa dia pegang tangan i and lay her head on my shoulder, it because she miss her mum badly !! , i rasa dia tak berani nak peluk me, so dia letak kepala jer, then dian told me that S ceritakan to her bout how she ended up in SGH, ni lagi satu cerita menyanyat hati, S 's mum tinggalkan di kat hospital bila dia baru born, makcik dia jaga dia from baby until dia primary 1, she tot that her aunt is her real mother, but bila dia Pr 1, her mum dtg amik dia and jaga dia, dari situ problem start, dia tinggal with her mum and her mum's bf, a few months later, her mum gave birth to a baby girl, at that time, the baby ditinggalkan to her untuk dijaga, S mum was drug addict and kaki minum, so S was left alone to take care of the baby, just imagine, baru brapa lar umur budak tu, nak jaga new born baby, her mum tak kasi dia duit, so most of the time dia kene gi mencuri pampers or susu for her sister, and at a very young age, dia kerje kat hawker centre angkat2 pinggan kotor, and earn only $5 per day, kurang ajar betul orang2 ni take advantage of a small girl, yg kerje onli for the sake of her small sister, for a few occasion, she was homeless for a few months, the longest period is 9 mths, dia tido bawah blk with her small sister, just imagine that !!! , then social service people came to help, dia di letak di one of the homes, BUT her small sister di pisahkan dari dia, jadi anak angkat orang, i think she's not happy with it,issh, of course la tak happy , adik dia sey, so dia lari from the home sebab nak cari adik dia !!, dia dah try buat 2 kali, before she was sent to SGH. she told dian that she really hate her mum but she miss her badly

After dengar apa dia cerita kan, i felt so sad, and of course dian pon sad la, dian and i promise that we will take care of this 3 girls sampai kita termampu, especially S, dian promise nak ajak dia keluar, watch movie, and wanted her to enjoy life like all other 13 yrs old kid .

I promise to myself, i will guide them semampu yg i boleh, always be there when they need me

May 17, 2007

cranky mood

to all my dear sisters,
im sorry for being moody for the past few days
im physically and mentally tired
im tired

May 13, 2007

Mothers' day gathering

went to nenek's place for mothers' day gathering and syazwan birthday.

Mother's day cakes and Syazwan's birthday cupcakes


May 11, 2007


i hate people yang suka take advantage
i buat cakes and cupcakes because i love to bake and hope that i can make money with it
i gi belajar buat cake tu BAYAR, ITS VERY EXPENSIVE, NOT FREE
some people jual cupcakes 14 pcs for $80, and 30 pcs for $150, i sell for onli $50 for 30 pcs,ade orang jual btw $2.00-$2.50 per cupcakes, but i sell online for $1.80 and u still says that expensive, idiot !! ingatkan orang buat tak pakai tenaga ??, tak payah bayar duit electric ??, ingatkan pasal kawan jer, mintak discount, nak murah, pikir uh orang lain, jangan penting kan diri sendiri, ni satu penyakit orang melayu, mentality kolot, selfish, walaupun my ic tulis that im malay,but IM NOT,
I SWEAR lepas ni no one will get any discount cakes or cupcakes from me, u nak kawin ke, ur birthday ker, childrens day ke, ur my best fren ke, makcik ke, cousin ke, wat the heck, business is business
people like u all , make my life miserable

May 8, 2007

people make mistakes

yes, people do makes mistake
but some mistake , are just too difficult to forgive and forget
dont try to give syarahan bout forgiving people to me
cos i hate it

May 4, 2007

May 2, 2007

Blossom's Camera

KL trip 29 & 30 april 2007

Alhamdulillah, at last our long-overdue-trip that we planned about a year ago, terjadi juga..hee, it was a wonderful experience for us, no curfew, so we simply enjoy ourselves sampai tak telarat,as for me, seriously, i think dis is the most meaningful experince for me, i appreciate the sisterhood that we had together. makin sayang i kat korang , heehee, not forgetting also, i really nak say sorry for the "mood" i ade on the second day of the trip, the flu really getting on my nerves, but alhamdulillah we manage to enjoy ourselves.
After check in hotel, we take a stroll at Bukit Bintang, all of us managed to get ( get eh, wah piang !! ingat free ker, BELI LA) one make up and lipstick from MAC, eh, kita boleh jadi spokesperson for MAC , Clinique and Body Shop tau, since all of us pakai thier product, heehee.
We experinced a few things together, naik " eye on malaysia" , i just donno wat makes me feel so scared during the ride, maybe because of the " mood", i got to experince how my sisters get "jakon "bila naik monorail and putra when nak pergi ke KLCC, oh ya, dis is the first time for pink to got close and personal with KL actually..so dis trip must be very experincing for her.

Huhu... some of us experince the "nite life" for the first time, duduk duduk, lepak kat BB Bistro, hearing to the live band there , then Bro Muadz told Bloss that we can also experince live band at Lotus@ Nikko hotel, we took a cab there, tapi.... Lotus bukan la kat dalam NIkko Hotel tapi kedai mamak yg terletak di tepi jalan hotel tersebut.... Then we took a cab to Kampung Bahru nak cari jagung bakar, tapi yang dapat jagung rebus.next we proceed to Dataran merdeka to take pictures there

the nite is still young so we went back to BB Bistro for the live band again, we were there until 2am , tu pon pasal band dah stop main, and kedai nak tutup, kalau tak , kita mesti mendangok lagi kat situ !

On the second day, kita pergi Cosmoworld!, ah ah cosmo world, amusement park ! , tempat yang budak budak selalu pergi... tapi ni time bukan budak-budak yang pergi, but , mak budak and kakak budak.. and kita naik the 7 storey roller coaster ! ! , it supposed to be something yg i suka, i really enjoyed the ride when i go with my family last year, i think i took the ride for more than 10 times, but due to my " mood" , i got irritated with the ride bila naik for the second time.

Nothing interesting happened at petaling street, melainkan shopping !

i tau dis entry mcm haywire sikit, sebab i tgh haywire jugak, high fever tapi still nak tulis dis entry, heehee

Bloss, Pink and Teddie

I love and I Need all of You