semalam, i went to singapore girl's home, to visit my mentees
i supposed to visit them every 2 weeks, but due to some commitment, i tak dtg, exactly dah one month, so bila sampai kat their waiting cell, they were so happy when they saw me,(im sure they are happy,from their face i can really see yg dorg happy k, bukan perasan) then a few minute later, all of us proceed to the couselling room, but wait, i start kira the girls yg ade with us, im supposed to talk to one girl at a time, but there 4 of them, F, S, H and G and only 2 of us, me and my cuz, dian. me and dian start signalling to each other, because seriously kita tak tau camne nak handle 4 person at one go, and we simply donno wat to talk to them. walaupun they had commit some serious offence, and ade yg multiple offence, or wat they are called or labelled as hard core or ex con at SGH (singapore girls home) but they are really sweet girl, baik2, cuma lain sikit jer, but they respect us, .
So the session start, i told them that they can talk anything to me if they have any problems, tapi kan, sebalik nye, they are the one who asked me questions, banyak pulak tu, haha,, the first Question, "kak, apa akak buat for the whole satu bulan?" i pon terkejut sey, selalu nya, people usually ask like, "apa u buat semalam? or apa u buat the whole week or during the weekend?" tapi ni dia tanya i sekali sampai sebulan, terkejut beruk aku, haha, maybe sebab dah sebulan i tak jumpa dorg, so i cakap la, im been busy, schooling, tutoring, and "holidaying", ahahaha, i pon berbual bual with F and H, just like how i berbual with my girlfrens, they ask me mcm2 ar, personal questions, G was to lazy to talk, she wanted to enjoy the aircon in the room, so i let her be, and dian was talking to S , a 13 yrs old girl , she was sent to SGH because beyond parental control.
I asked F anf H wat they want to do when discharged later in October, F discharged, 1 week before hari raya, and H discharged pada hari raya ke 4, F says that, the first thing dia nak buat bila dah discharged is, nak gi geylang, beli baju raya, and dia nak buka puasa with me, :D , so i ask H, apa dia nak buat, dia kata, dia cuma nak jalan raya, so she really hope that my cuz and i can arrange one day for all of them boleh jalan raya , i tak promise to them, but i say insyaALLAH, at that time, dian is still talking to S, i curious jugak la, but at time i can see S selalu tgk kat i, stare at my face, , i just ignore, takut jugak la, mana tau, dia tak happy ker, but i ignore jer
then its time to say good bye
while at the waiting cell, all of us salam salam each other, and the girls made us promise to them that we will come next friday, so i and dia pon promise to them that kita akan datang next friday, at that time S is still staring at me, then dia datang dekat i, pegang tangan i and lay her head kat my shoulder, at first takut jugak la, mana tau dia nak do something, but i can feel something la when dia pegang tangan i , i tak tau camne nak describe, but i noe its something good.when i ngan dian jalan keluar, the girls shouting, "kak, mesti datang tau next week!" , im so happy that they wanted me to come and visit them more often, then even aske me to come like 2 or 3 times a week, on wednesday, friday and sunday, but i cant promise them, i just smile to them jer
Dian and i, jalan gi bus stop, then dian told me something yg really buat i rasa macam nak nangis, S was staring at me because, she say my face is exactly like her mum, when we came, she was having fever, but she saw me, demam dia dah turun sikit, sebab tu dia asyik stare i jer, now i understand kenapa dia pegang tangan i and lay her head on my shoulder, it because she miss her mum badly !! , i rasa dia tak berani nak peluk me, so dia letak kepala jer, then dian told me that S ceritakan to her bout how she ended up in SGH, ni lagi satu cerita menyanyat hati, S 's mum tinggalkan di kat hospital bila dia baru born, makcik dia jaga dia from baby until dia primary 1, she tot that her aunt is her real mother, but bila dia Pr 1, her mum dtg amik dia and jaga dia, dari situ problem start, dia tinggal with her mum and her mum's bf, a few months later, her mum gave birth to a baby girl, at that time, the baby ditinggalkan to her untuk dijaga, S mum was drug addict and kaki minum, so S was left alone to take care of the baby, just imagine, baru brapa lar umur budak tu, nak jaga new born baby, her mum tak kasi dia duit, so most of the time dia kene gi mencuri pampers or susu for her sister, and at a very young age, dia kerje kat hawker centre angkat2 pinggan kotor, and earn only $5 per day, kurang ajar betul orang2 ni take advantage of a small girl, yg kerje onli for the sake of her small sister, for a few occasion, she was homeless for a few months, the longest period is 9 mths, dia tido bawah blk with her small sister, just imagine that !!! , then social service people came to help, dia di letak di one of the homes, BUT her small sister di pisahkan dari dia, jadi anak angkat orang, i think she's not happy with it,issh, of course la tak happy , adik dia sey, so dia lari from the home sebab nak cari adik dia !!, dia dah try buat 2 kali, before she was sent to SGH. she told dian that she really hate her mum but she miss her badly
After dengar apa dia cerita kan, i felt so sad, and of course dian pon sad la, dian and i promise that we will take care of this 3 girls sampai kita termampu, especially S, dian promise nak ajak dia keluar, watch movie, and wanted her to enjoy life like all other 13 yrs old kid .
I promise to myself, i will guide them semampu yg i boleh, always be there when they need me