About Me

Oct 17, 2007

:: my family gathering is more important then your roti john ::

My family precious to me
my parents
my siblings
my aunties
my uncles
my cousins
They are everything
I'm nothing without them

flying is important to you
family is important to me

u want to fly ? , let me be with my family, deal ?

:: Top 5 questions during Hari Raya house visit ::

  1. "eh, datang sorang jer ker ? suami nyer mana ??"

sejak bila pulak aku kawin, im still single and available lar, i've been asked this question since my cousin got married around 4 years ago, tapi yang kawin tu lelaki , if i got laki , takkan la i jalan with my parents kan ..

2. "ni yg sekolah kat johor tu eh? bila balik cuti ?

i hate when people asked me this question, harlooo, im only 13 years old when im schooling in Johor, Now, im 23 already , graduated from aljunied , worked for 2 years, been in law school for 2 years, and completed my business diploma ...this is sooooo ridiculous , i told my mum, if ada orang tanya dis stupid question, i will just shout at his or her face, ingatkan orang takde life kaper??

3 . "munah bila nak jamu kita nasi minyak ?!"

anytime ar, just call me , nanti i bawak gi tekka, makan nasi minyak

4. " ade boyfriend? jangan kawin dulu, berjasa ngan ibu ayah, kasi dorang hidup senang"

dis quotation is usually my dad side suka cakap, jgn kawin siang2, belajar dulu, kerje dulu , kasi mak bapak senang, hahah, tapi most of my cousins-yang -jumpa-setahun sekali or cousins yg i dont even know they exist , semua dah kawin !

5 ." dah ade calon ker belom? if u single and available, cik boleh cari kan ! "

sorry ar cik, im not desprate !

Oct 13, 2007