About Me

Feb 17, 2009

:: on being ignorant ::

When someone starts to be ignorant to u , it is because

a) is very busy with lots of other important things
b) seriously dislikes you
c) doesn’t want to be associated with you
d) has been thinking that "everything is about u "
e) is pms-ing really badly
f) is too caught up with personal issues .
g) doesn’t want to be disturbed
h) recently got attached and is busy with the new partner?
i) having big trouble
j) found a new friend
k) is bored of you and the others

""Whenever I’m alone and think of all the good times I used to share with close friends I regarded like my own siblings, I sometimes have these niggly thoughts in my head. In the past, we were close, seeing each other on a regular basis, have regular feasting sessions together, celebrating each other’s birthdays, go on trips etc. That was when all of us were still swinging singles.

Sometimes I ask myself, have I done anything wrong to irk them??? Have I said things that may have hurt them??? Have I not been there when they needed my presence??? It feels sad sometimes when you get cold replies or one liners when you sms or email to say “Hi” and “How have you been doing???”. It’s like you have been totally scrapped from their lives and not knowing what you have done to be deserved of such treatment. I’m sure most of you out there have been caught in this kind of situation before and perhaps feeling the same thing as you read this entry of mine.""

i totally can relate on this, taken from someone else blog

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