About Me

Feb 10, 2009

:: money ::

Do you really think that money is everything ?
NO , money is not everything
we need money in our daily necessities

a few weeks ago, one of my friends asked me this Q
is having money is one of ur criteria to marry a guy ?
and i said : NO , i dont need his money

maybe at that point, some of them thought that im just too ego to admit or too proud of myself
i have my reasons for saying No .

I've came acrossed alot of unhappiness with money , too many , just too many

a husband controlling his wife with money
a mother brainwashing her kids about how rich they are and how poor their cousins is
a father told her daughter not to be too close to her aunt because she has alot of debt
a sister can be rude and bitching about each other
a girlfriend can hate her boyfriend because he always spent
and many other unhappy events

On being ignorant , i know some of my friends are frustrated , dealing with my ignorance , but i felt better .

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