About Me

Sep 1, 2008

:: dont judge a book by its cover ::

After posting some pictures, i received a personal msg from someone .Here are my answers to all ur questions, u know who u are.

This is supposed to be an angry entry , but i dont care what people think about me , because i believe in myself .

People are judging my way of life from the pictures i posted in multiply, they think im leading a confusing life , just want to let u know that im not !, im leading a very happy and thankful for everything i have, im blessed with family and friends who loves me alot and accept me as who i am .

My circle of friends maybe "wild" , but they know the true meaning of friendship, no jealousy, backstabbing, no bitching and stay with me thru thick and thin ! , they may not be educated academically , but they have gone thru experince in life from me .Yes , they do have the typical singapore teenage lifestyle, but not once they influence me in joining them . They are so protective of me , they often says that they dont want me to be like them .

and yes , i do have a night life , but in a healthy way , i chilled out with them but not in clubs, think people, night life doesnt have to be in clubs or bars , there are alot of places are open 24 hours and doesn't include liquor .

and about batasan antara perempuan lelaki , yes, i do have my limits with guys, they really respect me, believe it or not , they were there and very supportive of me when im in trouble or when im down ,even tho they are just husband or bf of my girlfriends .

Im wearing hijab whenever i went out with them and they dont care , if u think that i mencemarkan nama baik wanita muslimah just because i have friends like them, then i think there is something wrong with u, is either ur jealous or u have no frens , ive been frens with people fully hijab but hati busuk nauzubillah,pakai tutup2 tapi bitching about each other behinds people's back , im not saying sesiapa yg fully hijab is jahat but ini semua hati masing2 , as people always says, dont judge the book by its cover , jangan hanya kerana my friends pakai seksi2 and rambut colour, u nak judge them as something unappropriate.

Fyi, i love my best friends very much, lillahi ta'ala

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